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  • UserID: loughin (PR) -- This member has not yet filled out a publicly-viewable bio.  If you are this member, then please, soon, do fill out your name and bio (scroll down to "YOUR BIO").  When you have saved the information, it will be instantly displayed in place of the text you're now reading.
  • UserID: fhofman (PR) -- This member has not yet filled out a publicly-viewable bio.  If you are this member, then please, soon, do fill out your name and bio (scroll down to "YOUR BIO").  When you have saved the information, it will be instantly displayed in place of the text you're now reading.
  • Robin (Rabindranath) Banerjee (PR) -- Associate Professor at the Applied Mathematics Dept. in the School of Telecommunication Engineering, Politechnical University of Madrid, Spain. H.B.Sc. ("Licenciado") in Physics (Astrophysics, Complutense University, Madrid), M.Sc. in Mathematics (Numerical Analysis, Lakehead University, Canada), Ph.D. Physics (Quantum Optics, Politechnical University, Madrid). Has made research work in Numerical Analysis and Quantum Optics. At present is engaged in Theoretical Computer Science as applied to Database Systems, Logic Programming and Machine Learning, and getting into Mathematical Biology. Member of the American Mathematical Society, Member of the Society for Mathematical Biology. Also an amateur Choral Conductor, sings his head off every time he can :-).
  • Victor Cherepanov (PR) -- Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, Tomsk State University,Russia. Ph.D. Physics (Optics: Molecular spectroscopy), 1983, Tomsk State University. Author of articles, devoted to theory of molecular spectra of high resolution. He is married and has three children. Hobbies include karate.
  • Benjamin Crowell (PR) -- Professor of Physics, Fullerton College. Ph.D. Physics, 1994, Yale University. Author of the Light and Matter series of introductory physics textbooks. Webmaster of The Assayer, a book-reviewing site with an emphasis on free books. Homepage:
  • Donavan Hall (PR) -- Instrumentation Physicist and Magnetometry Specialist at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (Florida State University) in Tallahassee Florida. Ph. D. Physics, 1997 Louisiana State University. Author of over 14 articles on magnetism and fermiology of superconductors and heavy fermion materials. Member of the American Physical Society, 1993-present. In addition to his scientific responsibilities, he is, along with his wife, Vice President of the North Florida Brewers League. He is a member of the Tallahassee Film Society. In his spare time, he edits a web site devoted to progressive politics. Homepage:
  • Sven Heinemeyer (PR) -- Fellow in the Theory division of the High Energy Physics department of Brookhaven Natl. Lab. (NY, USA). He has worked on Higgs Physics and Supersymmetry phenomenology. Hobbies include logical riddles and spanish food. Homepage:
  • Ramin Nakisa (PR) -- Consultant specialising in artificial intelligence. Three years leading a research team that applied Bayesian methods to customer relationship management problems. Previously held an MRC postdoctoral research fellowship at the University of Oxford where he did neural network modelling of language acquisition in children. Degree in physics (1990) and doctorate in biophysics (1994) from Imperial College, London. Homepage:
  • R. Dwayne Ramey (PR) -- This member has not yet filled out a publicly-viewable bio.  If you are this member, then please, soon, do fill out your name and bio (scroll down to "YOUR BIO").  When you have saved the information, it will be instantly displayed in place of the text you're now reading.
  • Michael Richmond (PR) -- Assistant Professor of Physics at the Rochester Institute of Technology since 1997. Participant in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey since 1992; wrote software to reduce parts of the imaging and calibration data. Webmaster and member of The Amateur Sky Survey, with a Mark IV unit soon to go in regular operation. Author of several packages to reduce optical astronomical data. Homepage:

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