In our experience, there are a few questions that come up repeatedly. We have, therefore, included a list of some frequently-asked questions here; the links below lead to parts of the guidelines that contain an answer. The questions are arranged roughly in order of popularity.
The singlemost frequently-asked question:
I want to write. I think I might want to write an article. Are you interested? (Of course!) What do I do?
Other questions asked exceedingly frequently:
Am I qualified to peer-review/edit? I'm interested in joining as an editor or peer reviewer, but I'm not sure I'm qualified. What do you think? (See also the peer reviewers section.)
Lead review problems. I'm a lead reviewer/lead reviewee/editor, and something seems to have gone seriously wrong in the lead review process. What do we do now?
Since Nupedia's academic, I'm excluded, right? Nupedia looks like an academic project. (Well, sort of.) I'm not sure I'll be welcome to write an article on my proposed topic. What do you think?
Open review problems. This article undergoing open review is awful. Or this isn't a bad article, but the author isn't responding to any of the comments. Or this is a great article; why aren't the reviewers approving it? What do we do?
I have complex formatting! My article has associated files, like tables, pictures, and graphs. Your interface seems to be text-only. What do I do?
Short article assigned before long? Arrrgh! Why is the system insisting that there be a short version of this article topic assigned before a longer version can be assigned? Please tell me.
Should I assign this article? I'm an editor, and someone just signed up to write an article. The person didn't include any personal information to help me make a decision. Or this person doesn't seem quite qualified, but maybe he/she is. What do I do?
Still more frequently-asked questions:
I want to translate. I want to help translate Nupedia into my language. How do I do that?
I want to copyedit. I'd like to help with copyediting. How do I do that?
I want to code. I am a programmer and I understand Nupedia's software is open source. How can I help?
Can't I include a list of weblinks? I want to include a list of weblinks as part of my article. Can I? If so, how?
"Footnote" format. What format should my footnotes (N.B. they're included in the text of the article, so they aren't "footnotes") follow? Please tell me.
Article stuck in copyediting. Aaargh! My fine, upstanding article is stuck in copyediting, of all places. What do I do?
How do I assign the LR? I'm an editor, and it looks like I have to assign a lead reviewer. What requirements must a lead reviewer satisfy?
Open review finished. Now what? I'm an author/editor and my/this article has just been approved by the open review process. I'm totally in the dark about what happens next, though. What do we do?
What's my audience? I can't write this article until I know who I'm writing it for. What is my audience?
"Bibliography" format. What format should the bibliography (note, it's "For Further Reading") follow? Please tell me.