The lead review process has two purposes: first, to ensure that the article is at least minimally competent for Nupedia (and if not, to reject it); second, to help improve it so that it is "almost ready to be posted" on Nupedia.  The lead review process takes place on a special automatically-created discussion web page that is accessible only by the author, the lead reviewer, and the category editor.  The system does not identify the lead reviewer and author to each other, and in their discussion they are expected to keep their identities hidden from each other.  The lead reviewer does not merely supply an evaluation of the article for the use of the editor, as in the case of professional journals; in addition, the reviewer is actively involved in making specific recommendations for improvement to the article.  The author then makes required changes on a special page on the website accessible only by the author.  When the article is, in the opinion of the lead reviewer, "nearly satisfactory for inclusion in Nupedia," the reviewer approves the article.  It is then posted on the website for public, open review.